Dragon And Horse Compatibility – Chinese Zodiac Years

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Male Dragon and Female Horse

  • Match Percentage 73%

The beautiful romance is fleeting; everything may proceed smoothly according to dreams, but it is difficult to sustain.

The Dragon and Horse pairing requires more freedom and change.

The male Dragon cannot fully attain the position of dominance in this family. The female Horse is resourceful, clever, and capable. Although the charismatic male Dragon hopes the female Horse could be more introverted and focused on the family, he has to admit her cunning and foresight.

If the Dragon and Horse pairing lives in the city, the female Horse can manage the household while also going out to work, and she can efficiently arrange the various incomes the male Dragon brings home. What comforts the male Dragon is that the female Horse does not become arrogant because of this; her reliance still gives the male Dragon a great sense of accomplishment.

Female Dragon and Male Horse

  • Match Percentage 61%

The marriage is not very ideal; the wife needs constant attention from her husband, but the husband is overly self-centered and often neglects this need.

A Horse-Dragon pairing is a vibrant match. Both individuals yearn for a life that is rich, colorful, and ever-changing. The union of a Horse and Dragon feels quite natural, but marriage will not confine them to staying at home all day.

The male Horse is enterprising, daring to take risks, and is resourceful—a versatile person with many talents. The female Dragon is cheerful and avant-garde, enjoys embracing new and exciting things, and is adept at constantly trying out thrilling ideas.

Both in a Horse-Dragon pairing do everything they can to manage their lives with interest. The male Horse will fully utilize his insight to seize favorable opportunities, while the female Dragon’s judgment and persuasive power are just right to supervise the male Horse.

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