About Chinese Zodiac Years

Hello everyone, my name is Linda Wisdom and I am the creator of the website Chinese Zodiac Years.

Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by our rich traditional culture, especially the wisdom contained in the Chinese Zodiac. This fascination led me to delve deeper into studying and interpreting the Chinese Zodiac, and now I have over 20 years of experience in this field.

My approach to the Chinese Zodiac is rooted in respect for our ancient wisdom while also acknowledging the complexities of modern life. I believe that the twelve animal signs of the Chinese Zodiac offer valuable insights into our personalities, relationships, and destinies.

In my writings, I strive to demystify these insights and present them in a practical, relatable way so that they can guide you in your daily life. My ultimate aim is to help my readers understand themselves better and lead more fulfilling lives.

I understand the responsibility that comes with being a guide in matters of life and destiny. I assure you that I am always meticulous in my research and sincere in my advice. I am deeply committed to my craft and take great joy in being able to share my knowledge and insights with you.

Thank you for reading my work, and I hope that it brings you wisdom, peace.